Friday, November 28, 2014

Wendy, Wanda, Wine?

Question 9: a) Reflect on our Field Study to Kelleris and b) discuss the important ways in which wine has and continues to play a role in human society and culture.

I’ll just start off by saying that I really enjoyed the field study to Kelleris Vineyard. It was interesting to meet a man who is succeeding on producing high quality wine in an environment which is not necessarily conducive for growing grapes (i.e. climate, short growing season, and the dirt). Søren Jensen, the man behind this interesting venture, is one of the founding members of Denmarks commercial wine venture.  While he admitted that before 2000 he did not know a thing about growing grapes and making wine, Mr. Jensen was a wealth of knowledge. I learned a lot about viticulture, the crossbreeding grape vines, and the history of the fungi and beetles which afflict the plants.
It is hardly possible to understate the importance wine has held for the history of human society. Wine, and the grape, first cultivated in Mesopotamia and around the Caspian Sea between 6000 and 4000 BC quickly spread all across southern Europe, the Middle East, and most of the ancient world. From the Sumerian goddess Gestin to Renen-utet from egypt and Dionysus (Bacchus) from Greece/Rome It quickly took on religious importance, and most cultures had a deity representing this libatious drink.
Wine also served as an extremely valuable trading good. As evidenced by roman trading vessels discovered on the seabed of the mediterranean, ancient wine was being produced all around the ancient world, in mesopotamia, gaul, and italy. They also demonstrate the physical volume and economic value of the wine trade.
Today, wine holds a more social position. While no longer the property of the religious and social elite, wine has in the past 50 years become the common mans drink. It can be found in bottle (both plastic and glass) and in boxes (invented in 1965). It brings friends together and can be seen mixed in with the bottles of beer and various hard alcohol in bars and clubs.


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